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Club Ploughing Match 2022
Club Ploughing Match 2022

Again, the sun shone on us at the Club Ploughing Match, after a summer of drought. A little more rain would have made the conditions, near perfect. I think everyone had a good day and enjoyed it. Thanks go to Mr. Michael Gray for the site. As I have said before, it is getting more difficult to find suitable sites. If anyone knows of a site for next year, please let me know.

Congratulations to all the prize winners. There was a lot of good ploughing across the whole field. All classes were well supported except for the trailer ploughs, (1 entry). This used to be one of the best supported classes, so please do not let it disappear. Thanks, also go to James Knowles and John Lilywhite for their help with marking out and picking up pegs at the end of the day.

Thank you to all competitors and spectators for coming, see you all next year on the 17th September 2023.

Please note, that all engraving of club trophies presented are the responsibility of the winners and their safe return to the club before next years, ploughing match.  

Brian Knight

Ploughing match results 2022
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