The ‘’Wessex Historic Tractor and Implement Club’’ was established over fifty years ago by a number of local enthusiasts who had a passion for the preservation of vintage agricultural vehicles, machinery, tools and other associated interests including rural crafts and pastimes, that are connected with vintage agriculture, attending various displays, rallies, ploughing matches and road runs throughout the year. Along with winter social meetings, supported by a regular newsletters.
How to Join
To Join our club, simply head over to the membership page, where you will find the 'WHTIC Membership form' for download. Once you have completed the form, it needs to be returned to our membership secretary.

What's Going On?
Our club organises events throughout the year, such as Social Meetups, Tracks Across the Field, ploughing matches, and public events too. Our latest three upcoming events are featured below, but you can see our 'Whats On' page for the full list of events.
Why Join Us
If you have a passion for tractors, vintage agricultural vehicles and machinery, then join our club today. You will be able to attend our rallies, ploughing matches and road runs throughout the year.