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Contacts and Committee

President is honorary role is offered to a long serving member of the Club as a mark of the Club’s appreciation for their contribution to the Club.

Chairperson is the chief executive member of the Club and is elected to this post for a two-year term.

Vice-Chairman is elected to this post for a two-year term and is usually expected to become Chairman at the end of this time.

Other posts include Treasurer, Club Secretary, Membership Secretary, Ploughing Match Secretary, and Newsletter Editor. These are all elected annually at the AGM in February.

The 2024 - 2025 Committee

(including contact phone numbers where authorised):


Chairperson: Mike Rowland (07891075715)

Vice Chairman: Mathew Miles

Treasurer: Dave Hayward (07973 834796)

Club Secretary: Pete Saunders

Membership Secretary: Hugh Pearce

Ploughing Match Secretary: Brian Knight

Club Trips: Kevin Whatley

Newsletter Editor: Mike Rowland

Tracks Across the Field Secretary: Dave Hayward (07973834796)

Committee Members: John Lillywhite, James Knowles, Mathew Miles, Andy Veck, Sam Francis, Kevin Whatley

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